New Year, Same Objectives

2020 was a big challenge for lots of us small businesses, so thank you again so much for your support and for your patience. But I’m back feeling rested, recharged, and ready to take on 2021!

January is usually the month best known for planning out (way too many) goals to accomplish for the year. I’m guilty of it too – what can I say? I’m a lover of to-do lists! When writing out some business goals, I kept coming back to the same two objectives: do my part to help heal the planet and grow a community of vintage fashion lovers in Canada. I guess the real question here is “how”?

I’ve often been told that one of the best ways to hold yourself accountable is by writing things down. So, here are some of the big ideas I plan to tackle this year with Nuage!

OBJECTIVE 1: Do my part to help heal the planet

  1. Continue to source good quality vintage in the prairies to reduce carbon emission and offer great second-hand options to you all.

  2. Organize 3 sales this year dedicated to donating to a local organisation that is healing our province or country.

  3. Better Nuage’s packaging and mailers to ensure it’s waste-free and environmentally friendly.

OBJECTIVE 2: Grow a community of vintage fashion lovers in Canada

  1. Collaborate with at least 4 Canadian small businesses in different provinces.

  2. Launch 8 curated vintage collections this year.

  3. Set up a pop-up in another province. (Fingers crossed this will not be effected by the pandemic!)

Here’s to looking forward and making our dreams come true – big and small. Let’s make this year the best one yet, together!

À bientôt!

Natasha Rey xo
Owner & Curator

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